America Works Here

America’s restaurants are places where people of all backgrounds have the opportunity to rise from entry level jobs and create their personal version of the American Dream. 

The National Restaurant Association's America Works Here campaign tells the story of America’s restaurant industry — the nation's second-largest private sector employer and an engine of economic growth.  

America’s restaurants play an important role in people’s lives, whether as a place to celebrate a special occasion, refresh and recharge while on travel, or a place to meet with colleagues over a business lunch or dinner.

America Works Here highlights not just the fact that half of all Americans have worked in the industry, but that the nation's one million restaurants are the place where business deals are made, where people can rise from entry level jobs first jobs to managers, executives and owners, and where organizations go for the philanthropic support that helps them do great work in local communities across the country.

Restaurants are fueling our nation’s recovery, contributing nearly $2 trillion to the economy and employing 14 million people. Restaurants kept the economy moving through the last recession and account for nearly 10 percent of the U.S. workforce.

Whether it’s about the opportunity to learn job skills or own a restaurant, or the positive impact restaurants make in communities across the country through their economic contributions and philanthropic activities, restaurants have a story to tell — America Works Here.

